A colorful graphic showing the building blocks of a healthcare system in an inner circle and the components of a climate resilient healthcare system on the outer circle.

Health System Climate Resilience in B.C. – Baseline Assessment (2021 – 2022)

About the project

BC Ministry of Health

2021 – 2022

The problem they came to us with
How might BC’s health system protect and improve population health in an unstable and changing climate?

Our work
In order to support the BC Ministry of Health’s commitments to protect and improve population health in an unstable and changing climate, SHIFT Collaborative lead an in-depth assessment of climate resilience of B.C.’s health system to characterize the current state and identify opportunities to strengthen climate resilience of the health system, and the communities and people it serves.

The project synthesized an overview of climate-related health risks for B.C’s health system, identifying and reviewing relevant data and literature; designed and conducted research, data collection, and engagement across B.C’s entire health system; and developed two designed reports–a main report and a comprehensive technical report– including key opportunities for action.

Following the completion of the assessment, SHIFT Collaborative also led a strategic engagement phase consisting of knowledge translation workshops to to socialize the assessment findings and further explore opportunities to advance concrete next steps and leverage points for strategic action.

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