A red and white helicopter dumps a bucket of water while flying past a smoky hill. There are pine trees in the foreground and blue sky in the background.

Wildland Interface Fire Regional Forum (2022 – 2023)

About the project

Metro Vancouver

2022 – 2023

The problem they came to us with
How might we inspire collaboration and develop joint response capacity for wildland interface fires in the Metro Vancouver region?

Our work
SHIFT Collaborative designed and facilitated two workshops, hosted by Metro Vancouver, that brought together participants from local, regional, provincial and First Nations governments and other partners from across the Metro Vancouver region. The workshops provided an overview and discussion of the collective approach to protecting our communities from the increased risk of wildfires, how Metro Vancouver and the Province are prepared to respond to wildfires and the latest research on wildfire risk and behaviour, emergency response best practices, and the impacts of climate change. This project served as a forum for shared learning and collaboration across the region going forward.

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