Right to Housing Solutions Lab (2021 – 2023)
About the project
National Housing Council / SHS Consulting
2021 – 2023
The problem they came to us with
How might we develop a collective vision and pathways towards the progressive realization of the right to adequate housing in Canada by co-creating new policy interventions and partnership opportunities at the national level?
Our work
Co-Creating the Right to Adequate Housing in Canada is a cross-Canada initiative of the National Housing Council (NHC), led by the NHC in collaboration with SHS Consulting and SHIFT Collaborative.
SHIFT Collaborative co-developed and implemented a detailed engagement strategy with diverse stakeholders, including those most affected by housing challenges and homelessness, human rights and housing experts, and various levels of government through small focus groups and surveys. The final report will include recommendations that provide a concrete path for the federal government on how to further the progressive realization of the right to adequate housing in Canada.