Reports and publications
A selection of resources from projects we have been fortunate to work on.
Select a focus area from the list below to browse a selection of reports and publications for we’ve done in that area.
Practice Guide for Advancing Climate Equity in Coastal Climate Change Adaptation
Climate equity is an approach that applies a fairness framework to the ways we experience, understand and respond to climate change. It ensures the fair distribution of climate protection efforts and reduces the unequal burdens created by climate change. The Practice Guide for Advancing Climate Equity in Coastal Climate Change Adaptation Projects (the Guide) is a tool that was developed by SHIFT Collaborative for Natural Resource Canada’s Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities (CRCC) program to support practitioners to create more inclusive and equitable climate projects.
View guide (pdf)
Heat Alert & Response Planning for Interior BC Communities: toolkit

Due to changes in the climate, B.C. is experiencing an increase in annual summer temperatures and extremely hot days. Episodes of very hot weather are dangerous for the health and wellbeing of the community. As the health risks from extreme heat are expected to continue rising, it is critical that partners work together across sectors to prepare for hot weather and increase the resilience of our Interior communities. The purpose of the toolkit is to provide community partners practical information and resources that will assist them in developing and implementing systems and strategies to respond to extreme heat, specifically in rural communities.
View toolkit (pdf)
At Home in a Neighbourhood Where I Belong – Housing Solutions Lab: final report

With L’Arche Canada, the Inclusive Housing Solutions Lab explored what ‘home’ means to us all. The Lab created a framework, essential components of inclusive housing and five areas for action. In New Brunswick, where this Lab was focused, there is a changing housing conversation and diverse stakeholders including government staff and housing operators are now talking about housing as a means to build community and connections. There is also a new growing awareness that community building needs to be intentionally and pro-actively integrated into housing projects and settings.
Read report (pdf)
Retrospective Evaluation: Working Group 1 Inclusive & Participatory Practices during AR6

Working Group I (WGI) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is responsible for assessing the physical science of climate change, most recently contributing to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) between 2018 -2021. The Working Group engaged over 230 scientists from all parts of the world who collaborated and shared their expertise and knowledge to assess the latest knowledge on climate science and change. This report summarizes key findings and learnings from a retrospective evaluation of these participatory and inclusive practices
Read report (pdf)
Housing Solutions for Indigenous Youth Aging Out of Care in Winnipeg: Final lab report

This social innovation lab was focused on reducing rates of homelessness and housing insecurity among Indigenous youth involved in the provincial child welfare system in Winnipeg when they age out of the Manitoba Child and Family Services and lose their institutional supports at the age of 18. In collaboration with HTFC Planning, Aboriginal Youth Opportunities, Fearless R2W and Nigaanii Wabiski Mikanak Ogichidaa (Leading White Turtle Warriors Research Team) at the University of Manitoba, SHIFT Collaborative supported lab process design, facilitation and developmental evaluation.
Read final lab report (pdf)
Surfacing Our Strengths Lab: Co-creating Strategic Solutions with Women+ At Risk of Violence and Homelessness: summary report

SHIFT Collaborative supported the Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness and the Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness through the design and facilitation of a housing solutions lab. The lab engaged over 43 organizations representing 11 sectors as well as a peer research team to co-develop equitable, safe and culturally supportive responses to the housing needs of women+ who have been or are at risk of experiencing violence and homelessness in the Greater Victoria area.
Co-Creating the Right to Adequate Housing in Canada: interim report

Co-Creating the Right to Adequate Housing in Canada is a cross-Canada initiative of the National Housing Council (NHC), led by the NHC in collaboration with SHS Consulting and SHIFT Collaborative. This initiative aims to support existing NHC efforts toward realizing the right to adequate housing in Canada over time. This Interim Report highlights what we heard to date from people in Canada with lived experience of housing need and homelessness.
Learn more about the project
Read report (pdf)
Lived Experience of Extreme Heat in B.C.: report

Climate change is projected to increase the number, intensity, and duration of heat waves in B.C. We know that the effects of extreme heat are not experienced equally across the province, with some populations being more exposed and at greater risk of life-threatening outcomes. As heat waves become more common, directly hearing from and engaging with populations most vulnerable to a changing climate is urgently needed. This report provides a summary of engagement of people with lived experience of extreme heat events in B.C. in 2021. The BC Climate Action Secretariat (CAS) commissioned this project to inform forthcoming planning and policy development on extreme heat response in B.C.
Read report (pdf)
Living in Community: strategic priorities

Living in Community is an innovative community initiative that has been working since 2004 to find solutions to the impact of sex work on communities and to reduce the harms and isolation that sex workers experience. Arising out of the tragedy of the Missing and Murdered Women in the Downtown Eastside and concerns about the safety of sex workers as well as other community members, Living in Community is a successful container for collaboration and innovation among diverse stakeholders who have grown the idea of finding new ways to address sex work concerns into a powerful methodology for creating communities that are healthy and safe for everyone. SHIFT supported this collaborative initiative in the development of a Theory of Change and impact-focused program evaluation and developmental evaluation to support ongoing innovation and adaptation.
Read strategic plan (pdf)
2019 – 2022
Scale Your Impact: evaluation report

Scale your Impact was a 3-year project that developed and ran three cohorts of a 9-month systems change certificate for people living, working or connected to the Renfrew Collingwood (RC) neighbourhood in Vancouver. This report summarizes key learnings from three years of delivering the program.
Read report (pdf)
Collaborative Action on Health and Climate Change, Community Stories: report

While there has been momentum building to take action on health and climate change in BC and elsewhere in Canada, we consistently hear that communities, practitioners, researchers and the health sector are seeking real examples of action. There is a need to share stories and lessons learned from communities that are showing collaborative leadership to address climate change, health and resilience in an integrated way. This collection of stories is from diverse communities and regions across BC. They demonstrate leadership from First Nations, local governments, health authorities, and non-profit organizations. They feature collaborative action on addressing health and integrating equity into climate action planning, extreme heat, wildfire response, air quality, flood response and capacity building. Our hope is these stories inspire ideas, motivation and action for continued progress to address health and equity as we work together to build climate resilient communities.
Read report (pdf)
Climate Change, Intersectionality, and GBA+ in British Columbia: report

How climate change impacts diverse populations, including those who are marginalized, is not always obvious. This report draws on a Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) lens to examine how considerations of sex, gender, race, ethnicity, age, and mental or physical ability (among other identity factors) intersect to influence how different populations in B.C. are affected by climate change.
Read report (pdf)
United Way of KFL&A – Food Collective: impact report

To meet the increase in demand for food donations since the pandemic, United Way KFL&A went about creating a central food hub. It needed to mobilize local food-security organizations, who were used to working independently, and bring them together to form the hub. SHIFT Collaborative played a fundamental role in early development of this central food hub. It brought together 12 organizations initially (and more later on) and supported them in aligning behind a shared mission and vision for the hub. It helped them reach agreement on governance, financial terms, and the unique role they would each play in the hub.
Read impact report (pdf)
Framework for Collaborative Action on Health & Climate Change

This User Guide and Framework is intended to support users (you!) to better understand the connections between health and climate change, and enable collaboration and aligned action to address these challenges effectively across sectors. It is a map of key issues, and a set of resources, to provoke thinking about what matters and to help you outline priorities and steps to move this forward, together. It may be used by people in a range of positions, organizations and professions, to advance planning and action to address these issues.
Read guide (pdf)
View handout (pdf)
Northeast Climate Resilience Network: reports

Fraser Basin Council worked with a peer network of communities in Northeast British Columbia to support local communities in preparing for a changing climate and understanding the associated risks and vulnerabilities, collaboratively addressing climate risks at a regional and community scale, and increasing community, public, and private sector awareness of the impacts of a changing climate. SHIFT Collaborative conducted vulnerability assessments with the City of Fort St. John, City of Dawson Creek, District of Tumbler Ridge, District of Chetwynd, Village of Pouce Coupe and Northern Rockies Regional Municipality to identify priority climate change impacts for each municipality, outline the climate change adaptation work done to date for each municipality and identify the priority gaps in adaptation planning and implementation.
Read City of Fort St. John Vulnerability Assessment (pdf)
Read City of Dawson Creek Vulnerability Assessment (pdf)
Read District of Tumbler Ridge Vulnerability Assessment (pdf)
Read District of Chetwynd Vulnerability Assessment (pdf)
Read Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Vulnerability Assessment (pdf)
City Of Vancouver’s Healthy City Strategy Evaluation

The Healthy City Strategy outlines 13 long-term goals for the wellbeing of the City of Vancouver and its people, including ambitious targets by 2025. SHIFT Collaborative led an evaluation to assess collaboration and implementation of the strategy across sectors and stakeholders, which pointed to factors that could assist the City and its partners in scaling the vision and actions for health and wellbeing across Vancouver. This project used a developmental evaluation approach to uncover patterns and offer tools that partners can use to engage in learning and action cycles as they implement the Healthy City Strategy.
Victoria Foundation Vital Conversation: Hey Victoria! Let’s Talk About Your Drinking

Hey Victoria! Let’s Talk About Your Drinking… was a Community Dialogue held in Victoria, BC. This event was part of a series of Vital Conversations connected to important issues and trends identified in Victoria’s Vital Signs, Greater Victoria’s annual check-up. It was hosted by the Victoria Foundation in collaboration with the Community Action Initiative, and facilitated by SHIFT Collaborative. The workshop focused on fostering open conversation across sectors and perspectives about one of our society’s biggest pastime: drinking alcohol. Together, participants explored some of the perceptions, evidence, opportunities and challenges related to moderate drinking in our community.
Read event summary (pdf)
Guide to Organizing Community Dialogue on Healthy Drinking

As a support to Community Action Initiative’s Community Dialogue granting program, SHIFT Collaborative wrote and produced this Guide to Organizing Community Dialogue on Healthy Drinking. The guide outlines key considerations for hosting a successful dialogue across diverse stakeholders, as well as resources to learn more.
Read guide (pdf)
Making the links Symposium on collaborative action: report

SHIFT Collaborative hosted Making the Links: Climate Change, Community Health and Resilience – the first gathering of its kind in B.C. to advance collaborative, cross-sectoral action on climate change and health in the province. The sold-out event had 180 participants representing multiple sectors gathered for two days in Kelowna, B.C., to listen to inspiring speakers and community stories. Participants shared knowledge, engaged in cross-sector dialogue, and identified challenges and opportunities for collaborative action. Read the report from this event.
Read report (pdf)
The journey of the City of Vancouver’s Solutions Lab (so far)

Spearheaded by our colleague Lindsay Cole, the Solutions Lab (SLab) is a public sector social innovation lab inside the City of Vancouver, Canada that started in 2016. SLab is inspired by, and contributes to, the current proliferation of innovation units inside governments around the globe. SLab brings people together in co-creative and experimental processes to seek transformative solutions to some of the most complex challenges facing Vancouver. As part of this larger initiative, in 2017 SHIFT Collaborative co-facilitated and co-designed the Public Engagement Lab which explored “How might we be more consistent, collaborative, and values-aligned in our public engagement work at the City?”
Learn more about the project
Learn more about the prototype concept development (pdf)
Read report (pdf)
Practice Guide for Advancing Climate Equity in Coastal Climate Change Adaptation
Climate equity is an approach that applies a fairness framework to the ways we experience, understand and respond to climate change. It ensures the fair distribution of climate protection efforts and reduces the unequal burdens created by climate change. The Practice Guide for Advancing Climate Equity in Coastal Climate Change Adaptation Projects (the Guide) is a tool that was developed by SHIFT Collaborative for Natural Resource Canada’s Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities (CRCC) program to support practitioners to create more inclusive and equitable climate projects.
View guide (pdf)
March 2023
Retrospective Evaluation: Working Group 1 Inclusive & Participatory Practices during AR6

Working Group I (WGI) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is responsible for assessing the physical science of climate change, most recently contributing to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) between 2018 -2021. The Working Group engaged over 230 scientists from all parts of the world who collaborated and shared their expertise and knowledge to assess the latest knowledge on climate science and change. This report summarizes key findings and learnings from a retrospective evaluation of these participatory and inclusive practices
Read report (pdf)
April 2022
Lived Experience of Extreme Heat in B.C.: report

Climate change is projected to increase the number, intensity, and duration of heat waves in B.C. We know that the effects of extreme heat are not experienced equally across the province, with some populations being more exposed and at greater risk of life-threatening outcomes. As heat waves become more common, directly hearing from and engaging with populations most vulnerable to a changing climate is urgently needed. This report provides a summary of engagement of people with lived experience of extreme heat events in B.C. in 2021. The BC Climate Action Secretariat (CAS) commissioned this project to inform forthcoming planning and policy development on extreme heat response in B.C.
Read report (pdf)
JuNE 2023
Heat Alert & Response Planning for Interior BC Communities: toolkit

Due to changes in the climate, B.C. is experiencing an increase in annual summer temperatures and extremely hot days. Episodes of very hot weather are dangerous for the health and wellbeing of the community. As the health risks from extreme heat are expected to continue rising, it is critical that partners work together across sectors to prepare for hot weather and increase the resilience of our Interior communities. The purpose of the toolkit is to provide community partners practical information and resources that will assist them in developing and implementing systems and strategies to respond to extreme heat, specifically in rural communities.
View toolkit (pdf)
April 2021
Collaborative Action on Health and Climate Change, Community Stories: report

While there has been momentum building to take action on health and climate change in BC and elsewhere in Canada, we consistently hear that communities, practitioners, researchers and the health sector are seeking real examples of action. There is a need to share stories and lessons learned from communities that are showing collaborative leadership to address climate change, health and resilience in an integrated way. This collection of stories is from diverse communities and regions across BC. They demonstrate leadership from First Nations, local governments, health authorities, and non-profit organizations. They feature collaborative action on addressing health and integrating equity into climate action planning, extreme heat, wildfire response, air quality, flood response and capacity building. Our hope is these stories inspire ideas, motivation and action for continued progress to address health and equity as we work together to build climate resilient communities.
Read report (pdf)
March 2021
Climate Change, Intersectionality, and GBA+ in British Columbia: report

How climate change impacts diverse populations, including those who are marginalized, is not always obvious. This report draws on a Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) lens to examine how considerations of sex, gender, race,
ethnicity, age, and mental or physical ability (among other identity factors) intersect to influence how different populations in B.C. are affected by climate change.
Read report (pdf)
March 2019
Framework for Collaborative Action on Health & Climate Change

This User Guide and Framework is intended to support users (you!) to better understand the connections between health and climate change, and enable collaboration and aligned action to address these challenges effectively across sectors. It is a map of key issues, and a set of resources, to provoke thinking about what matters and to help you outline priorities and steps to move this forward, together. It may be used by people in a range of positions, organizations and professions, to advance planning and action to address these issues.
Read guide (pdf) | View handout (pdf)
Northeast Climate Resilience Network: reports

Fraser Basin Council worked with a peer network of communities in Northeast British Columbia to support local communities in preparing for a changing climate and understanding the associated risks and vulnerabilities, collaboratively addressing climate risks at a regional and community scale, and increasing community, public, and private sector awareness of the impacts of a changing climate. SHIFT Collaborative conducted vulnerability assessments with the City of Fort St. John, City of Dawson Creek, District of Tumbler Ridge, District of Chetwynd, Village of Pouce Coupe and Northern Rockies Regional Municipality to identify priority climate change impacts for each municipality, outline the climate change adaptation work done to date for each municipality and identify the priority gaps in adaptation planning and implementation.
Read City of Fort St. John Vulnerability Assessment (pdf)
Read City of Dawson Creek Vulnerability Assessment (pdf)
Read District of Tumbler Ridge Vulnerability Assessment (pdf)
Read District of Chetwynd Vulnerability Assessment (pdf)
Read Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Vulnerability Assessment (pdf)
Making the links Symposium on collaborative action: report

SHIFT Collaborative hosted Making the Links: Climate Change, Community Health and Resilience – the first gathering of its kind in B.C. to advance collaborative, cross-sectoral action on climate change and health in the province. The sold-out event had 180 participants representing multiple sectors gathered for two days in Kelowna, B.C., to listen to inspiring speakers and community stories. Participants shared knowledge, engaged in cross-sector dialogue, and identified challenges and opportunities for collaborative action. Read the report from this event.
Read report (pdf)
City Of Vancouver’s Healthy City Strategy Evaluation

The Healthy City Strategy outlines 13 long-term goals for the wellbeing of the City of Vancouver and its people, including ambitious targets by 2025. SHIFT Collaborative led an evaluation to assess collaboration and implementation of the strategy across sectors and stakeholders, which pointed to factors that could assist the City and its partners in scaling the vision and actions for health and wellbeing across Vancouver. This project used a developmental evaluation approach to uncover patterns and offer tools that partners can use to engage in learning and action cycles as they implement the Healthy City Strategy.
JUNE 2023
Heat Alert & Response Planning for Interior BC Communities: toolkit

Due to changes in the climate, B.C. is experiencing an increase in annual summer temperatures and extremely hot days. Episodes of very hot weather are dangerous for the health and wellbeing of the community. As the health risks from extreme heat are expected to continue rising, it is critical that partners work together across sectors to prepare for hot weather and increase the resilience of our Interior communities. The purpose of the toolkit is to provide community partners practical information and resources that will assist them in developing and implementing systems and strategies to respond to extreme heat, specifically in rural communities.
View toolkit (pdf)
April 2021
Collaborative Action on Health and Climate Change, Community Stories: report

While there has been momentum building to take action on health and climate change in BC and elsewhere in Canada, we consistently hear that communities, practitioners, researchers and the health sector are seeking real examples of action. There is a need to share stories and lessons learned from communities that are showing collaborative leadership to address climate change, health and resilience in an integrated way. This collection of stories is from diverse communities and regions across BC. They demonstrate leadership from First Nations, local governments, health authorities, and non-profit organizations. They feature collaborative action on addressing health and integrating equity into climate action planning, extreme heat, wildfire response, air quality, flood response and capacity building. Our hope is these stories inspire ideas, motivation and action for continued progress to address health and equity as we work together to build climate resilient communities.
Read report (pdf)
March 2019
Framework for Collaborative Action on Health & Climate Change

This User Guide and Framework is intended to support users (you!) to better understand the connections between health and climate change, and enable collaboration and aligned action to address these challenges effectively across sectors. It is a map of key issues, and a set of resources, to provoke thinking about what matters and to help you outline priorities and steps to move this forward, together. It may be used by people in a range of positions, organizations and professions, to advance planning and action to address these issues.
Read guide (pdf) | View handout (pdf)
At Home in a Neighbourhood Where I Belong – Housing Solutions Lab: final report

With L’Arche Canada, the Inclusive Housing Solutions Lab explored what ‘home’ means to us all. The Lab created a framework, essential components of inclusive housing and five areas for action. In New Brunswick, where this Lab was focused, there is a changing housing conversation and diverse stakeholders including government staff and housing operators are now talking about housing as a means to build community and connections. There is also a new growing awareness that community building needs to be intentionally and pro-actively integrated into housing projects and settings.
Read report (pdf)
Guide to Organizing Community Dialogue on Healthy Drinking

As a support to Community Action Initiative’s Community Dialogue granting program, SHIFT Collaborative wrote and produced this Guide to Organizing Community Dialogue on Healthy Drinking. The guide outlines key considerations for hosting a successful dialogue across diverse stakeholders, as well as resources to learn more.
Read guide (pdf)
march 2018
Victoria Foundation Vital Conversation: Hey Victoria! Let’s Talk About Your Drinking

Hey Victoria! Let’s Talk About Your Drinking… was a Community Dialogue held in Victoria, BC. This event was part of a series of Vital Conversations connected to important issues and trends identified in Victoria’s Vital Signs, Greater Victoria’s annual check-up. It was hosted by the Victoria Foundation in collaboration with the Community Action Initiative, and facilitated by SHIFT Collaborative. The workshop focused on fostering open conversation across sectors and perspectives about one of our society’s biggest pastime: drinking alcohol. Together, participants explored some of the perceptions, evidence, opportunities and challenges related to moderate drinking in our community.
Read event summary (pdf)
Housing Solutions for Indigenous Youth Aging Out of Care in Winnipeg: Final lab report

This social innovation lab was focused on reducing rates of homelessness and housing insecurity among Indigenous youth involved in the provincial child welfare system in Winnipeg when they age out of the Manitoba Child and Family Services and lose their institutional supports at the age of 18. In collaboration with HTFC Planning, Aboriginal Youth Opportunities, Fearless R2W and Nigaanii Wabiski Mikanak Ogichidaa (Leading White Turtle Warriors Research Team) at the University of Manitoba, SHIFT Collaborative supported lab process design, facilitation and developmental evaluation.
Read final lab report (pdf)
Making the links Symposium on collaborative action: report

SHIFT Collaborative hosted Making the Links: Climate Change, Community Health and Resilience – the first gathering of its kind in B.C. to advance collaborative, cross-sectoral action on climate change and health in the province. The sold-out event had 180 participants representing multiple sectors gathered for two days in Kelowna, B.C., to listen to inspiring speakers and community stories. Participants shared knowledge, engaged in cross-sector dialogue, and identified challenges and opportunities for collaborative action. Read the report from this event.
Read report (pdf)
Surfacing Our Strengths Lab: Co-creating Strategic Solutions with Women+ At Risk of Violence and Homelessness: summary report

SHIFT Collaborative supported the Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness and the Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness through the design and facilitation of a housing solutions lab. The lab engaged over 43 organizations representing 11 sectors as well as a peer research team to co-develop equitable, safe and culturally supportive responses to the housing needs of women+ who have been or are at risk of experiencing violence and homelessness in the Greater Victoria area.
June 2022
Co-Creating the Right to Adequate Housing in Canada: interim report

Co-Creating the Right to Adequate Housing in Canada is a cross-Canada initiative of the National Housing Council (NHC), led by the NHC in collaboration with SHS Consulting and SHIFT Collaborative. This initiative aims to support existing NHC efforts toward realizing the right toadequate housing in Canada over time. This Interim Report highlights what we heard to date from people in Canada with lived experience of housing need and homelessness.
Learn more about the project
Read report (pdf)
Living in Community: strategic priorities

Living in Community is an innovative community initiative that has been working since 2004 to find solutions to the impact of sex work on communities and to reduce the harms and isolation that sex workers experience. Arising out of the tragedy of the Missing and Murdered Women in the Downtown Eastside and concerns about the safety of sex workers as well as other community members, Living in Community is a successful container for collaboration and innovation among diverse stakeholders who have grown the idea of finding new ways to address sex work concerns into a powerful methodology for creating communities that are healthy and safe for everyone. SHIFT Collaborative supported this collaborative initiative in the development of a Theory of Change and impact-focused program evaluation and developmental evaluation to support ongoing innovation and adaptation.
Read strategic plan (pdf)
June 2022
Co-Creating the Right to Adequate Housing in Canada: interim report

Co-Creating the Right to Adequate Housing in Canada is a cross-Canada initiative of the National Housing Council (NHC), led by the NHC in collaboration with SHS Consulting and SHIFT Collaborative. This initiative aims to support existing NHC efforts toward realizing the right to adequate housing in Canada over time. This Interim Report highlights what we heard to date from people in Canada with lived experience of housing need and homelessness.
Learn more about the project
Read report (pdf)
At Home in a Neighbourhood Where I Belong – Housing Solutions Lab: final report

With L’Arche Canada, the Inclusive Housing Solutions Lab explored what ‘home’ means to us all. The Lab created a framework, essential components of inclusive housing and five areas for action. In New Brunswick, where this Lab was focused, there is a changing housing conversation and diverse stakeholders including government staff and housing operators are now talking about housing as a means to build community and connections. There is also a new growing awareness that community building needs to be intentionally and pro-actively integrated into housing projects and settings.
Read report (pdf)
Housing Solutions for Indigenous Youth Aging Out of Care in Winnipeg: Final lab report

This social innovation lab was focused on reducing rates of homelessness and housing insecurity among Indigenous youth involved in the provincial child welfare system in Winnipeg when they age out of the Manitoba Child and Family Services and lose their institutional supports at the age of 18. In collaboration with HTFC Planning, Aboriginal Youth Opportunities, Fearless R2W and Nigaanii Wabiski Mikanak Ogichidaa (Leading White Turtle Warriors Research Team) at the University of Manitoba, SHIFT Collaborative supported lab process design, facilitation and developmental evaluation.
Read final lab report (pdf)
Surfacing Our Strengths Lab: Co-creating Strategic Solutions with Women+ At Risk of Violence and Homelessness: summary report

SHIFT Collaborative supported the Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness and the Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness through the design and facilitation of a housing solutions lab. The lab engaged over 43 organizations representing 11 sectors as well as a peer research team to co-develop equitable, safe and culturally supportive responses to the housing needs of women+ who have been or are at risk of experiencing violence and homelessness in the Greater Victoria area.
Living in Community: strategic priorities

Living in Community is an innovative community initiative that has been working since 2004 to find solutions to the impact of sex work on communities and to reduce the harms and isolation that sex workers experience. Arising out of the tragedy of the Missing and Murdered Women in the Downtown Eastside and concerns about the safety of sex workers as well as other community members, Living in Community is a successful container for collaboration and innovation among diverse stakeholders who have grown the idea of finding new ways to address sex work concerns into a powerful methodology for creating communities that are healthy and safe for everyone. SHIFT supported this collaborative initiative in the development of a Theory of Change and impact-focused program evaluation and developmental evaluation to support ongoing innovation and adaptation.
Read strategic plan (pdf)
At Home in a Neighbourhood Where I Belong – Housing Solutions Lab: final report

With L’Arche Canada, the Inclusive Housing Solutions Lab explored what ‘home’ means to us all. The Lab created a framework, essential components of inclusive housing and five areas for action. In New Brunswick, where this Lab was focused, there is a changing housing conversation and diverse stakeholders including government staff and housing operators are now talking about housing as a means to build community and connections. There is also a new growing awareness that community building needs to be intentionally and pro-actively integrated into housing projects and settings.
Read report (pdf)
City Of Vancouver’s Healthy City Strategy Evaluation

The Healthy City Strategy outlines 13 long-term goals for the wellbeing of the City of Vancouver and its people, including ambitious targets by 2025. SHIFT Collaborative led an evaluation to assess collaboration and implementation of the strategy across sectors and stakeholders, which pointed to factors that could assist the City and its partners in scaling the vision and actions for health and wellbeing across Vancouver. This project used a developmental evaluation approach to uncover patterns and offer tools that partners can use to engage in learning and action cycles as they implement the Healthy City Strategy.
Guide to Organizing Community Dialogue on Healthy Drinking

As a support to Community Action Initiative’s Community Dialogue granting program, SHIFT Collaborative wrote and produced this Guide to Organizing Community Dialogue on Healthy Drinking. The guide outlines key considerations for hosting a successful dialogue across diverse stakeholders, as well as resources to learn more.
Read guide (pdf)
march 2018
Victoria Foundation Vital Conversation: Hey Victoria! Let’s Talk About Your Drinking

Hey Victoria! Let’s Talk About Your Drinking… was a Community Dialogue held in Victoria, BC. This event was part of a series of Vital Conversations connected to important issues and trends identified in Victoria’s Vital Signs, Greater Victoria’s annual check-up. It was hosted by the Victoria Foundation in collaboration with the Community Action Initiative, and facilitated by SHIFT Collaborative. The workshop focused on fostering open conversation across sectors and perspectives about one of our society’s biggest pastime: drinking alcohol. Together, participants explored some of the perceptions, evidence, opportunities and challenges related to moderate drinking in our community.
Read event summary (pdf)
Housing Solutions for Indigenous Youth Aging Out of Care in Winnipeg: Final lab report

This social innovation lab was focused on reducing rates of homelessness and housing insecurity among Indigenous youth involved in the provincial child welfare system in Winnipeg when they age out of the Manitoba Child and Family Services and lose their institutional supports at the age of 18. In collaboration with HTFC Planning, Aboriginal Youth Opportunities, Fearless R2W and Nigaanii Wabiski Mikanak Ogichidaa (Leading White Turtle Warriors Research Team) at the University of Manitoba, SHIFT Collaborative supported lab process design, facilitation and developmental evaluation.
Read final lab report (pdf)
The journey of the City of Vancouver’s Solutions Lab (so far)

Spearheaded by our colleague Lindsay Cole, the Solutions Lab (SLab) is a public sector social innovation lab inside the City of Vancouver, Canada that started in 2016. SLab is inspired by, and contributes to, the current proliferation of innovation units inside governments around the globe. SLab brings people together in co-creative and experimental processes to seek transformative solutions to some of the most complex challenges facing Vancouver. As part of this larger initiative, in 2017 SHIFT Collaborative co-facilitated and co-designed the Public Engagement Lab which explored “How might we be more consistent, collaborative, and values-aligned in our public engagement work at the City?”
Learn more about the project
Learn more about the prototype concept development (pdf)
Read report (pdf)
2019 – 2022
Scale Your Impact: evaluation report

Scale your Impact was a 3-year project that developed and ran three cohorts of a 9-month systems change certificate for people living, working or connected to the Renfrew Collingwood (RC) neighbourhood in Vancouver. This report summarizes key learnings from three years of delivering the program.
Read report (pdf)
Surfacing Our Strengths Lab: Co-creating Strategic Solutions with Women+ At Risk of Violence and Homelessness: summary report

SHIFT Collaborative supported the Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness and the Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness through the design and facilitation of a housing solutions lab. The lab engaged over 43 organizations representing 11 sectors as well as a peer research team to co-develop equitable, safe and culturally supportive responses to the housing needs of women+ who have been or are at risk of experiencing violence and homelessness in the Greater Victoria area.
United Way of KFL&A – Food Collective: impact report

To meet the increase in demand for food donations since the pandemic, United Way KFL&A went about creating a central food hub. It needed to mobilize local food-security organizations, who were used to working independently, and bring them together to form the hub. SHIFT Collaborative played a fundamental role in early development of this central food hub. It brought together 12 organizations initially (and more later on) and supported them in aligning behind a shared mission and vision for the hub. It helped them reach agreement on governance, financial terms, and the unique role they would each play in the hub.
Read impact report (pdf)
Do you want to shift to a better world?
We’re here to guide you through the process, no matter how hard, daunting or how complex it might seem.