Surfacing our Strengths: Co-Creating Strategic Solutions with Women+ at Risk of Violence and Homelessness (2020 – 2022)
About the project
Lead organization
Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness
2020 – 2022
The problem they came to us with
Violence plays a pivotal role in the experiences of homelessness for women+, and especially for Indigenous women, due to the ongoing impacts of colonialism.
Our work together
SHIFT Collaborative supported the Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness and the Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness through the design and facilitation of a housing solutions lab. The lab engaged over 43 organizations representing 11 sectors as well as a peer research team to co-develop equitable, safe and culturally supportive responses to the housing needs of women+ who have been or are at risk of experiencing violence and homelessness in the Greater Victoria area.
Project Resources