Ice melting in the ocean, indicating climate change.

Low Carbon Resilience – Best Practices for Professionals (2018)

About the project

SFU Adaptation to Climate Change Team


About the work
Climate change requires that we reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation) and also prepare for the impacts of a changing climate (adaptation). While these things have typically been planned for separately, there are benefits and good reason to integrate mitigation and adaptation – something the SFU Adaptation to Climate Change Team (ACT) describes as ‘low carbon resilience’ (LCR).

Professionals (planners, engineers, biologists, foresters, accountants, etc.) play key roles in this work, and the SFU ACT initiated this project to gather insight into how professionals can be supported to become champions and change agents in advancing LCR.

SHIFT Collaborative provided facilitation support for engaging with a cross-section of professionals and professional associations at a local, provincial and national level, and to play an advisory role in development of resources.


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