Food Collective Impact (2021)
About the project
United Way of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington (KFL&A)
The problem they came to us with
To meet the increase in demand for food donations since the pandemic, United Way KFL&A went about creating a central food hub. It needed to mobilize local food-security organizations, who were used to working independently, and bring them together to form the hub.
Our work
SHIFT Collaborative played a fundamental role in early development of this central food hub. It brought together 12 organizations initially (and more later on) and supported them in aligning behind a shared mission and vision for the hub. It helped them reach agreement on governance, financial terms, and the unique role they would each play in the hub.
Through working together, organizations who formed the central food hub were able to multiply their impact by 5 or 6 times, rescuing more food from local retailers and wholesalers, and distributing even more food to people in need in their communities.